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49, Rue de Cessange 1320 Luxembourg

+352 20 21 34 19


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Business hours

Monday 09h00 - 18h00
Tuesday 09h00 - 18h00
Wednesday 09h00 - 18h00
Thursday 09h00 - 18h00
Friday 09h00 - 18h00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Contact details

49, Rue de Cessange 1320 Luxembourg

+352 20 21 34 19


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Finance Apps for Business Central

Simplifies the tax compliance processes and ensure accuracy.

A paperless solution designed for Fiduciaries and Accounting firms.

Optimizes the creation of payments from customers and vendors with a simplified User Interface.

Organizes your manual invoice processing from start to finish.

Solution that automates employee expense tracking.

Industry Apps

Solution that automates processes and generates detailed reports for many industries.

Security and Compliance

Checks are carried out directly in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on the contact, on the customer, on the vendor and much more

The Obfuscation app enables you to protect sensitive data in your sandboxes while maintaining usability for testing and development purposes. Personal, confidential and regulated data remains anonymous but your consultants and developers can perform realistic tests.

Using an ERP software can be overwhelming. Many customers struggle with the right setups and getting started. Our Data Management app allows us to remotely manage your setup data so you can get up and running fast.